Office for Nursing Research

Research Intramural Funding Program (RIFP) funds are available to faculty at the Seattle campus and provide up to $25,000 of funding over two years. All RIFP applications are reviewed by the Research Intramural Funding Committee, which is made up of three SoN faculty and the Associate Dean for Research. The application and review processes are the same for all programs announced in the Call for RIFP Proposals. The purpose, eligibility, and award amount of RIFP grants and other SON grants may differ. Please refer to the specific funding availability and eligibility requirements announced in the Call for RIFP Proposals during each of the two application periods each year.

Please visit the ONR Intranet for the RIFP manual and application materials.



Funding Priorities

The RIFC will prioritize grant applications that that are engaged in or are categorized as one or more of the following:

  1. Pilot research that can be expected to lead to extramural support of a more extended proposal
  2. Proposals for research within the SoN priority areas:
    • Health Equity
    • Innovative Interventions
    • Lifespan Health
    • Symptom Science
  3. Support of studies by new investigators
  4. Unexpected research requirements and emergencies
  5. Continuation of research during temporary interruption of grant support
  6. Community-Engaged Research

Award Types

ONR grants three types of RIFP awards:

Standard Investigator RIFPs

The Standard Investigator RIFP mechanism encompasses all projects of any research area or interest. Investigators interested in Community-Engaged research or studies that address older populations should apply directly to the below mechanisms.

Community-Engaged RIFPs

Community-Engaged RIFPs are grants that authentically engage communities within research projects with the goal of incorporating equitable research practices. Proposals under the Community Engagement RIFP call are to be focused on research projects partnered with or co-led by populations or groups who are underserved, underrepresented, or historically excluded, or communities that have limited access to facilitate research agendas.

de Tornyay Center for Healthy Aging Funded RIFPs

de Tornyay Center funded grants address older adult populations as well as issues of concern to youths and adults that have the potential to impact their later life.

All applications must indicate on the cover if they would like to be considered for funding from the de Tornyay Center or are classified as Community-Engaged research. These are stand-alone awards and cannot be combined with the regular Standard Investigator-Initiated RIFP awards. All unmarked applications will be classified as Standard Investigator RIFPs. Grants for all mechanisms are for up to $25,000 over two years.

Acknowledging RIFP Support in Publications and Presentations

Whether disseminating the findings from an RIFP-supported project in the peer-reviewed literature, scientific presentation, grant applications or in community venues, we ask that you acknowledge the RIFP grant. An example of an acknowledgment statement include:

This research was funded by a 20XX Research Intramural Funding Program grant from the University of Washington School of Nursing and the [insert gift fund mechanism (de Tornyay Center for Healthy Aging, Van Hooser Fund, Giblin Research Fund, Troop Fund)]. 

About Our Donors

The VanHooser Reseach Fund

DONOR: Marjorie V. Batey, PhD, RN, FAAN


Dr. Marjorie V Batey (’53) is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Nursing at the University of Washington. She led the creation of the Office for Nursing Research in 1970 and became the first director. Dr. Batey has educated scores of students in research methods, having taught graduate students at the University of Washington since the late 1960s when she completed her PhD in Sociology. She has also provided leadership to the research efforts of faculty and students alike for many years.

In 1992 she established the SUZANNE E. VANHOOSER ENDOWED NURSING RESEARCH FUND in memory and honor of her mother, who held a high value for learning and had encouraged her daughter in all her endeavors. Through this fund, Dr. Batey hopes to encourage other researchers on the School’s faculty.

The VanHooser Fund is used to enable School of Nursing faculty, particularly those who are early in their research careers, to initiate research studies and to conduct pilot projects that will strengthen and advance their research programs.

Publications and other presentations resulting from research supported by this fund shall acknowledge the SUZANNE E. VANHOOSER ENDOWED NURSING RESEARCH FUND.

The Giblin Research Fund

DONOR: Elizabeth Giblin, EdD, FAAN


Dr. Elizabeth Giblin (’43) was a Professor Emeritus in the School of Nursing at the University of Washington. She pioneered the laboratory study of sleep in schools of nursing, and is responsible for the creation of the School of Nursing Sleep Lab in 1979, the nation’s first. Her early research focused on sleep apnea and sleep patterns in people with Alzheimer’s disease and COPD.

In 1985 she established the ELIZABETH GIBLIN ENDOWED RESEARCH FUND. A firm believer in the value of research, she intended this fund to “stimulate and enhance research in the School of Nursing.”

The fund shall be used to support any research conducted by the School of Nursing, with special consideration given to the projects deemed most valuable and in greatest need of funding in a given year.

All major accomplishments resulting from this research will appropriately recognize the support provided by the donor. The ELIZABETH GIBLIN ENDOWED RESEARCH FUND shall also be acknowledged in publications made possible by the fund. ​

Previous RIFP Awards

RIFP awardees in the 2021 – 2022 Academic Year include:

January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023

Adaption and refinement of digital adherence technologies to support home- or community-based HIV medication objective adherence monitoring – Dr. Sarah Iribarren

Community-led priority setting for diversifying the nurse-midwifery workforce – Dr. Molly Altman

For a complete list of awardees since 2010, click here.