Office for Nursing Research

NIH has announced significant upcoming changes to the biosketch and other support documents, detailed in NOT-OD-21-073 Upcoming changes to the biographical sketch and other support format page for due dates on or after May 25, 2021, for all NIH applications and RPPRs. We have until January 25, 2022 to switch to the new format.

If you are collaborating with an external partner requesting the newly formatted biosketch or other support pages, please contact the ONR or your pre-award staff for assistance.

For additional information or to see samples of the new formats, please visit the NIH website.

Overview of Changes

Biographical Sketch Format Page Changes

  • Section B “Positions and Honors” has been renamed “Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors.”
  • For the non-Fellowship Biosketch, Section D has been removed.
  • For the Fellowship Biosketch, Section D has been updated to remove “Research Support.”
  • As applicable, all applicants may include details on ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that they want to draw attention to within the personal statement, Section A.

Other Support Format Page Changes

  •  Other Support Format Page Changes: The format page has been re-organized to separate funded projects from in-kind contributions.
  • Signature block added for Program Director/Principal Investigator or Other Senior/Key
  • Personnel to certify the accuracy of the information submitted. Each PD/PI or senior/key personnel must electronically sign their respective Other Support form as a PDF before submission.

Supporting Documentation

  • For Other Support submissions that include foreign activities and resources, recipients are required to submit copies of contracts, grants, or any other agreement specific to senior/key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution as supporting documentation. If they are not in English, recipients must provide translated copies. This supporting documentation must be provided as part of the Other Support PDF following the Other Support Format page.